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      <H2><A HREF="">Adrian Leip</A></H2> <div style="float:right"><IMG SRC=""></div>
      <P>CAPRI network member since 2004</P>
      <P>European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Climate Change Unit (TP 050)</P>
      <P>Via Enrico Fermi, 2749, I - 21027 Ispra (VA), Italy</P>
       <P>Telephone: ++39-(0)-332-78 6327</P>
      <H3>CAPRI projects</H3>
                 <LI>Contribution to project <A HREF="">EC4MACS</A> (2007-2012) - European Consortium for Modelling of Air Pollution and Climate Strategies</LI>
                 <LI>Contribution to <A HREF="">GGELS-project</A>, Evaluation of the livestock sector's contrubution to the EUs GHG emissions (2008-2010)</LI>
               <LI>Contribution to FP VI project <A HREF="http://">CCAT</A> (2007-2010)</LI>
               <LI>Contribution to FP project  <A HREF="">CAPRI-Dynaspat</A> (2004-2007)</LI>
       <H3>Publications, project reports and conference contributions</H3>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">De Vries W., Leip A., Reinds G. J., Kros J., Lesschen J. P., Bouwman A.F, Grizzetti Bruna, Bouraoui Fayçal, K. Butterbach Bahl, Bergamaschi P, Winiwarter W.  (2011)</span>:
                <BR><a href="" target="_parent">Geographic variation in nitrogen budgets in agricultural and other terrestrial ecosystems over Europe.</a>
                <BR>In: Sutton M, Howard C, Erisman JW, Billen G, Bleeker A, van Grinsven H, Grennfelt P, Grizzetti B, Editors. <i>European Nitrogen Assessment.</i>  Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.  p. 345-376.</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Leip Adrian, Achermann Beat, Billen Gilles, Bleeker Albert, Bouwman Lex, de Vries Wim, Dragosits Ulli, Döring Ulrike, Fernall Dave, Geupel Markus, Johnes Penny, Le Gall Anne Christine , Monni Suvi, Neveceral Rostislav, Orlandini Lorenzo, Prud’homme Michel, Reuter Hannes, Simpson David, Seufert Guenther, Spranger Till, Sutton Mark, van Aardenne John , Voss Maren, Winiwarter Wilfried  (2011)</span>:
                <BR><a href="" target="_parent">Integrating nitrogen fluxes at the European scale.</a>
                <BR>In: Sutton M, Howard C, Erisman JW, Billen G, Bleeker A, van Grinsven H, Grennfelt P, Grizzetti B, Editors. <i>European Nitrogen Assessment.</i>  Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.  p. 345-376.</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Britz W., Verburg P. and Leip A. (2010)</span>:<BR>
                <I><A HREF="">Modelling of land cover and agricultural change in Europe: combining the CLUE and CAPRI-Spat approaches</A></I>
                <BR>Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., in press, 10.1016/j.agee.2010.03.008</P></P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class=pubAuthor>Leip A., Britz W., de Vries W. and Weiss F.</span> (2010):<BR>
                <I><A HREF="">Farm, Land, and Soil nitrogen budgets for Agriculture in Europe</A></I>
                <BR>Presentation at the Open Science Conference "Nitrogen and the European Greenhouse Gas Balance Integrating from Plot to European Scale", Solothurn, Switzerland, February 3rd and 4th, 2010 </P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Britz W. and Leip A. (2009)</span>:<BR><I><A HREF="">Development of marginal emission factors for N losses from agricultural soils with
                the DNDC-CAPRI meta-model</A></I><BR>Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 133 (2009), pp. 267-279, doi:10.1016/j.agee.2009.04.026</P>
                <p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Adrian Leip, F. Weiss and Wolfgang Britz (2009): </span><BR><span class=pubTitel><I>Agri-environmental nitrogen indicators for EU27</I></span>
                <BR><span class=pubPresWo>in: Integrated Assessment of Agriculture and Sustainable Development (AgSAP), 10-12 March, 2009, Egmont an Zee (The Netherlands)</span>
                <span class=pubPresWo>, S. 184-185</span>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Leip, A., Marchi, G., Koeble, R., Kempen, Britz W. and Li, C. (2008)</span>:<BR>
                <I><A HREF="">Linking an economic model for European agriculture with a mechanistic model to estimate nitrogen losses from cropland
                soil in Europe</A></I><BR>Biogeosciences, 5(1): 73-94</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Leip A. and Britz W.</span> (2008):<BR>
                <I><A HREF="">A Statistical Meta Model of DNDC to Estimate Nitrogen Fate and Irrigation Water Needs at 1x1 km grid at Pan-European scale</A></I>
                <BR>Paper prepared for presentation at NEU-annual meeting. Gent, Belgium, February 18th, 2008</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Leip, A., Marchi, G., Koeble, R., Kempen M., Britz W. and Li, C.</span> (2007):<BR>
                <I><A HREF="">Linking an economic model for European agriculture with a mechanistic model to estimate nitrogen losses from cropland
                soil in Europe</A></I><BR>Biogeosciences Discuss., 4, 2215-2278, 2007</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor"> Leip, A., Koebl, R., Macchi, G., Kempen M. and Britz W.</span> (2007):<BR>
                <I><A HREF="">CAPRI-DNDC-EUROPE</A></I>
                <BR>Presented at workshop: Modelling the Management and Dynamics of Grass- and Croplands Across Scales, Aberdeen, 14th-16th June 2007</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Perez. I., Britz W. and Holm-Mueller K.</span> (2004):<BR><I>
                The Use of Tradable Permits in the European Agriculture as a feasible and cost-effective Mitigation Strategy</I>,
                <BR> Poster presented at the International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture - Mitigation Options and Strategies, Leipzig (Germany), February 10-12 2004, Conference Proceedings pp. 335-336<P>
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