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* specify a scratch dir required in sets.gms
$setglobal scrdir  "..\output\temp\"
* include set definition in CAPRI
$include sets.gms
* define the sub set to filter the loaded data below
set Ourregion(RALL) /"DED00000"/;
set Time /"Y"/;
* define a parameter to which the data is loaded
parameter Data(OurRegion,COLS,ROWS,Time);
* load the data from CAPRI database
execute_load "..\output\results\simini\sim_ini_21230.gdx" data;
* make some didactic calculation for gross production at region
data(OurRegion,"GROF",O,"Y") =
               SUM(PACT_TO_O(MPACT,O), data(OurRegion,MPACT,"LEVL","Y")*
* store result to inspect it
execute_unload "our_results.gdx" data, rows, cols, RALL, PACT_TO_O;
2.2._data_of_the_supply_module.1600144668.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/11/07 10:23 (external edit)