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annex_code_lists [2020/03/30 08:54] – [Table 4: List of activities in the supply model] matszannex_code_lists [2020/06/25 14:48] matsz
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 ======Annex: Code lists====== ======Annex: Code lists======
-====Table 1: Codes used for storing the original REGIO tables in the data base and their description, rows====+**Table 1: Codes used for storing the original REGIO tables in the data base and their description, rows**
 ^Codes used in CAPRI’s REGIO tables^Original REGIO description^ ^Codes used in CAPRI’s REGIO tables^Original REGIO description^
Line 109: Line 109:
 |GFCO|Other gross fixed capital formation| |GFCO|Other gross fixed capital formation|
-====Table 2: Codes used for storing the original REGIO tables in the data base and their description, columns====+**Table 2: Codes used for storing the original REGIO tables in the data base and their description, columns**
 ^Codes used in CAPRI’s REGIO tables ^Original REGIO description^ ^Codes used in CAPRI’s REGIO tables ^Original REGIO description^
Line 119: Line 119:
 |VALN|EAA position in NC| |VALN|EAA position in NC|
-====Table 3: Connection between CAPRI and REGIO crop areas, crop production and herd sizes====+**Table 3: Connection between CAPRI and REGIO crop areas, crop production and herd sizes**
 ^SPEL-code ^REGIO-code ^REGIO-code ^REGIO-code ^REGIO-code ^Description of SPEL activity^ ^SPEL-code ^REGIO-code ^REGIO-code ^REGIO-code ^REGIO-code ^Description of SPEL activity^
Line 172: Line 172:
 |FALL|     |FALL|    |Fallow land| |FALL|     |FALL|    |Fallow land|
-====Table 4: List of activities in the supply model====+**Table 4: List of activities in the supply model**
 ^Group ^Activity ^Code^ ^Group ^Activity ^Code^
Line 194: Line 194:
 |:::|Tobacco|TOBA| |:::|Tobacco|TOBA|
 |:::|Other industrial crops|OIND| |:::|Other industrial crops|OIND|
-|**Vegetables \\ +|**Vegetables Fruits Other perennials**|Tomatoes|TOMA|
-Fruits \\ +
-Other perennials**|Tomatoes|TOMA|+
 |:::|Other vegetables|OVEG| |:::|Other vegetables|OVEG|
 |:::|Apples, pear & peaches|APPL| |:::|Apples, pear & peaches|APPL|
Line 231: Line 229:
 |:::|Other animals|OANI| |:::|Other animals|OANI|
-====Table 5: Output, inputs, income indicators, policy variables and processed products in the data base====+**Table 5: Output, inputs, income indicators, policy variables and processed products in the data base**
 ^Group ^Item ^Code^  ^Group ^Item ^Code^ 
Line 254: Line 252:
 |:::|Tobacco|TOBA| |:::|Tobacco|TOBA|
 |:::|Other industrial crops|OIND| |:::|Other industrial crops|OIND|
-|**Vegetables \\ +|**Vegetables Fruits Other perennials**|Tomatoes|TOMA|
-Fruits \\ +
-Other perennials**|Tomatoes|TOMA|+
 |:::|Other vegetables|OVEG| |:::|Other vegetables|OVEG|
 |:::|Apples, pear & peaches|APPL| |:::|Apples, pear & peaches|APPL|
Line 267: Line 263:
 |:::|Flowers|FLOW| |:::|Flowers|FLOW|
 |:::|Other marketable crops|OCRO| |:::|Other marketable crops|OCRO|
-Fodder Gras +|**Fodder**|Gras|GRAS| 
-Fodder maize +|:::|Fodder maize|MAIF| 
-Other fodder from arable land  +|:::|Other fodder from arable land|OFAR| 
-Fodder root crops +|:::|Fodder root crops|ROOF| 
-Straw GRAS +|:::|Straw|STRA| 
-MAIF +|**Marketable products from animal product**|Milk from cows|COMI| 
-OFAR +|:::|Beef|BEEF| 
-ROOF +|:::|Pork meat|PORK| 
-STRA +|:::|Sheep and goat meat|SGMT| 
-Marketable products +|:::|Sheep and goat milk|SGMI| 
-from animal product Milk from cows  +|:::|Poultry meat|POUM| 
-Beef +|:::|Other marketable animal products|OANI| 
-Pork meat +|**Intermediate products from animal production**|Milk from cows for feeding|COMF| 
-Sheep and goat meat +|:::|Milk from sheep and goat cows for feeding|SGMF| 
-Sheep and goat milk +|:::|Young cows|YCOW| 
-Poultry meat +|:::|Young bulls|YBUL| 
-Other marketable animal products COMI +|:::|Young heifers|YHEI| 
-BEEF +|:::|Young male calves|YCAM| 
-PORK +|:::|Young female calves|YCAF| 
-SGMT +|:::|Piglets|YPIG| 
-SGMI +|:::|Lambs|YLAM| 
-POUM +|:::|Chicken|YCHI| 
-OANI +|:::|Nitrogen from manure|MANN| 
-Intermediate products +|:::|Phosphate from manure|MANP| 
-from animal production Milk from cows for feeding +|:::|Potassium from manure|MANK| 
-Milk from sheep and goat cows for feeding +|**Other Output from EAA**|Renting of milk quota |RQUO| 
-Young cows +|:::|Agricultural services|SERO| 
-Young bulls +|**Inputs**||| 
-Young heifers +|**Mineral and organic fertiliser & 
-Young male calves +Seed and plant protection**|Nitrogen fertiliser|NITF| 
-Young female calves +|:::|Phosphate fertiliser|PHOF| 
-Piglets +|:::|Potassium fertiliser|POTF| 
-Lambs +|:::|Calcium fertiliser|CAOF| 
-Chicken +|:::|Seed|SEED| 
-Nitrogen from manure +|:::|Plant protection|PLAP| 
-Phosphate from manure +|**Feedings tuff**|Feed cereals|FCER| 
-Potassium from manure COMF +|:::|Feed rich protein|FPRO| 
-SGMF +|:::|Feed rich energy|FENE| 
-YCOW +|:::|Feed based on milk products|FMIL| 
-YBUL +|:::|Gras|FGRA| 
-YHEI +|:::|Fodder maize|FMAI| 
-YCAM +|:::|Other Feed from arable land|FOFA| 
-YCAF +|:::|Fodder root crops|FROO| 
-YPIG +|:::|Feed other|FOTH| 
-YLAM +|:::|Straw|FSTRA| 
-YCHI +|**Young animal Other animal specific inputs**|Young cow|ICOW| 
-MANN +|:::|Young bull|IBUL| 
-MANP +|:::|Young heifer|IHEI| 
-MANK +|:::|Young male calf|ICAM| 
-Other Output from EAA Renting of milk quota  +|:::|Young female calf|ICAF| 
-Agricultural services RQUO +|:::|Piglet|IPIG| 
-SERO +|:::|Lamb|ILAM| 
-Inputs +|:::|Chicken|ICHI| 
-Mineral and organic fertiliser +|**Pharmaceutical inputs**|IPHA| 
-Seed and plant protection Nitrogen fertiliser +|**General inputs|Maintennce machinery**|REPM| 
-Phosphate fertiliser +|:::|Maintennce buildings|REPB| 
-Potassium fertiliser +|:::|Electricity|ELEC| 
-Calcium fertiliser +|:::|Heating gas and oil|EGAS| 
-Seed +|:::|Fuels|EFUL| 
-Plant protection NITF +|:::|Lubricants|ELUB| 
-PHOF +|:::|Water|WATR| 
-POTF +|:::|Agricultural services input|SERI| 
-CAOF +|:::|Other inputs|INPO| 
-SEED +|**Income indicators**|Production value|TOOU| 
-PLAP +|:::|Total input costs|TOIN| 
-Feedings tuff Feed cereals +|:::|Gross value added at producer prices|GVAP| 
-Feed rich protein +|:::|Gross value added at basic prices|GVAB| 
-Feed rich energy +|:::|Gross value added at market prices plus CAP premiums|MGVA| 
-Feed based on milk products +|**Activity level**|Cropped area, slaughtered heads or herd size|LEVL| 
-Gras +|**Policy variables Relating to activities**|Premium ceiling|PRMC| 
-Fodder maize +|:::|Historic yield|HSTY| 
-Other Feed from arable land +|:::|Premium per ton historic yield|PRET| 
-Fodder root crops +|:::|Set-aside rate|SETR| 
-Feed other +|:::|Premium declared below base area/herd|PRMD| 
-Straw FCER +|:::|Premium effectively paid|PRME| 
-FPRO +|:::|Premium amount in regulation|PRMR| 
-FENE +|:::|Type of premium application|APPTYPE| 
-FMIL +|:::|Factor converting PRMR into PRMD|APPFACT| 
-FGRA +|:::|Ceiling cut factor|CEILCUT| 
-FMAI +|**Processed products**|Rice milled|RICE| 
-FOFA +|:::|Molasse|MOLA| 
-FROO +|:::|Starch|STAR| 
-FOTH +|:::|Sugar|SUGA| 
-FSTRA +|:::|Rape seed oil|RAPO| 
-Young animal +|:::|Sunflower seed oil|SUNO| 
-Other animal specific inputs Young cow +|:::|Soya oil|SOYO| 
-Young bull +|:::|Olive oil|OLIO| 
-Young heifer +|:::|Other oil|OTHO| 
-Young male calf +|:::|Rape seed cake|RAPC| 
-Young female calf +|:::|Sunflower seed cake|SUNC| 
-Piglet +|:::|Soya cake|SOYC| 
-Lamb +|:::|Olive cakes|OLIC| 
-Chicken +|:::|Other cakes|OTHC| 
-Pharmaceutical inputs ICOW +|:::|Gluten feed from ethanol production|GLUE| 
-IBUL +|:::|Biodiesel|BIOD| 
-IHEI +|:::|Bioethanol|BIOE| 
-ICAM +|:::|Palm oil|PLMO| 
-ICAF +|:::|Butter|BUTT| 
-IPIG +|:::|Skimmed milk powder|SMIP| 
-ILAM +|:::|Cheese|CHES| 
-ICHI +|:::|Fresh milk products|FRMI| 
-IPHA +|:::|Creams|CREM| 
-General inputs Maintennce machinery  +|:::|Concentrated milk|COCM| 
-Maintennce buildings +|:::|Whole milk powder|WMIO| 
-Electricity +|:::|Whey powder|WHEP| 
-Heating gas and oil +|:::|Casein and caseinates|CASE| 
-Fuels +|:::|Feed rich protein imports or byproducts|FPRI| 
-Lubricants +|:::|Feed rich energy imports or byproducts|FENI| 
-Water + 
-Agricultural services input +**Table 6: Codes of the input allocation estimation** 
-Other inputs REPM + 
-REPB +|**The set of FADN inputs (FI)**|| 
-ELEC +|TOIN |total inputs| 
-EGAS +|COSA |animal specific inputs| 
-EFUL +|FEDG |self grown feedings| 
-ELUB +|ANIO |other animal inputs| 
-WATR +|FEDP |purchased feedings| 
-SERI +|COSC |crop specific inputs| 
-INPO +|SEED |seeds | 
-Income indicators Production value +|PLAP |plant protection| 
-Total input costs +|FERT |fertilisers| 
-Gross value added at producer prices +|TOIX |other inputs (overheads)| 
-Gross value added at basic prices +|**The set of CAPRI inputs (CI) used in the reconcilation**|| 
-Gross value added at market prices plus CAP premiums TOOU +|TOIN |total inputs| 
-TOIN +|FEED |feedings| 
-GVAP +|IPHA |other animal inputs| 
-GVAB +|COSC |crop specific inputs| 
-MGVA +|SEED |seeds | 
-Activity level Cropped area, slaughtered heads or herd size LEVL +|PLAP |plant protection| 
-Policy variables +|FERT |fertilisers| 
-Relating to activities Premium ceiling  +|REPA |repairs| 
-Historic yield +|ENER |energy| 
-Premium per ton historic yield +|SERI |agricultural services input| 
-Set-aside rate +|INPO |other inputs| 
-Premium declared below base area/herd + 
-Premium effectively paid +1. The set of ‘Other’ activities that had been omitted from the econometric estimation: \\  
-Premium amount in regulation + OTHER={OCER, OFRU, OVEG, OCRO, OWIN, OIND, OOIL, OFAR, OANI} \\  
-Type of premium application +2. The set of activity groups, and their elements, used in the replacement or missing/negative coefficients \\  
-Ceiling cut factor PRMC + CHICK1, CHICK2, CHICK3, CERE, ARAB} \\  
-PRET + VEGE={TOMA}, \\  
-PRME + PIG={PIGF, SOWS}, \\  
-Processed products Rice milled + FOD={ROOF, MAIF}, \\  
-Molasse + FLOWER={FLOW, NURS}, \\  
-Starch + DENNY={PORK, SOWS}, \\  
-Rape seed oil + CHICK1={HENS, POUF}, \\  
-Sunflower seed oil + CERE={SWHE, DWHE, BARL, OATS, RYEM, MAIZ}, \\  
-Soya oil + ARAB={POTA, SUGB} \\  
-Olive oil +3. The sets of Northern European, Southern European countries: \\  
-Other oil + ‘NEUR’={NL000, UK000, AT000, BL000, DE000, DK000, FI000, FR000, SE000} \\  
-Rape seed cake + ‘SEUR’={El000, ES000, PT000, IT000, IR000} \\  
-Sunflower seed cake + 
-Soya cake +**Table 7: Codes of land use classes (Set LandUse)** 
-Olive cakes + 
-Other cakes +|OART |artificial| 
-Gluten feed from ethanol production +|ARAO |(other) arable crops - all arable crops excluding rice and fallow (see also definition of ARAC below)| 
-Biodiesel +|PARI |paddy rice (already defined)| 
-Bioethanol +|GRAT |temporary grassland (alternative code used for CORINE data, definition identical to TGRA| 
-Palm oil +|FRCT |fruit and citrus| 
-Butter +|OLIVGR |Olive Groves| 
-Skimmed milk powder +|VINY |vineyard (already defined)| 
-Cheese +|NUPC |nursery and permanent crops (Note: the aggregate PERM also includes flowers and other vegetables| 
-Fresh milk products +|BLWO |board leaved wood| 
-Creams +|COWO |coniferous wood| 
-Concentrated milk +|MIWO |mixed wood| 
-Whole milk powder +|POEU |plantations (wood) and eucalyptus| 
-Whey powder +|SHRUNTC |shrub land - no tree cover| 
-Casein and caseinates +|SHRUTC |shrub land - tree cover| 
-Feed rich protein imports or byproducts +|GRANTC |Grassland - no tree cover| 
-Feed rich energy imports or byproducts RICE +|GRATC |Grassland - tree cover| 
-MOLA +|FALL |fallow land (already defined)| 
-STAR +|OSPA |other sparsely vegetated or bare| 
-SUGA +|INLW |inland waters| 
-RAPO +|MARW |marine waters| 
-SUNO +|KITC |kitchen garden| 
-SOYO + 
-OLIO +**Table 8: Codes of land use aggregates (Set LandUseAgg)** 
-OTHO +|OLND |other land - shrub, sparsely vegetated or bare| 
-RAPC +|ARAC |arable crops| 
-SUNC +|FRUN |fruits, nursery and (other) permanent crops| 
-SOYC +|WATER |inland or marine waters| 
-OLIC +|ARTIF |artificial - buildings or roads| 
-OTHC +|OWL |other wooded land - shrub or grassland with tree cover (definition to be discussed)| 
-GLUE +|TWL |total wooded land - forest + other wooded land| 
-BIOD +|SHRU |shrub land| 
-BIOE +|FORE |forest   (already defined)| 
-PLMO +|GRAS |grassland (already defined)| 
-BUTT +|ARAB |arable    (already defined)| 
-SMIP +|PERM |permanent crops  (already defined)| 
-CHES +|UAAR |utilizable agricultural area (already defined)| 
-FRMI +|ARTO |total area - total land and inland waters| 
-CREM +|ARTM |total area including marine waters| 
-COCM +|CROP |crop area  - arable and permanent| 
-WMIO + 
-WHEP +**Table 9: Codes of mutually exclusive subset adding up to total area - ARTO (Set LandUseARTO)** 
-CASE + 
-FPRI +|OLND |other land - shrub, sparsely vegetated or bare| 
-FENI+|ARTIF |artificial - buildings or roads| 
 +|FORE |forest   | 
 +|UAAR |utilizable agricultural area | 
 +|INLW |Inland waters| 
 +**Figure 48: Mapping primary agricultural activities to groups and land use in coco** 
annex_code_lists.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/07 10:23 by

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