**Table 2: Main elements of the CAPRI data base** ^ ^ Activities ^ Farm- and market balances ^ Prices ^Positionsform from the EAA ^ ^ Outputs | Output coefficients | Production, seed and feed use, other internal use, losses, stock changes, exports and imports, human consumption, processing | Unit value prices from the EAA with and without subsidies and taxes | Value of outputs with or without subsidies and taxes linked to production | ^ Inputs | Input coefficients | Purchases, internal deliveries | Unit value prices from the EAA with and without subsidies and taxes | Value of inputs with or without subsidies and taxes link to input use | ^ Income indicators | Revenues, costs, Gross Value Added, premiums | | | Total revenues, costs, gross value added, subsidies, taxes | ^ Activity levels | Hectares, slaughtered heads or herd sizes | | | | ^ Secondary products | | Marketable production, losses, stock changes, exports and imports, human consumption, processing | Consumer prices | |