===== Installation instructions ===== Using CAPRI requires extensive knowledge of how the system works. Please look out for CAPRI training courses on the page of upcoming events. The following bare-bone instructions may nevertheless be sufficient to get the system up and technically running. - Create an installation folder to hold **model source files** on your local hard drive such that the path does not contain spaces. Thus, it will not work to install the model in “My Documents” (path containing space) or on a network drive (the access will be too slow). - Extract the files of the compressed archive (or checkout from SVN) into the folder you just created. - Go to the subfolder GUI, double-click “start_capri.bat”. That should open the graphical user interface (GUI). If not, something is wrong with your Java-installation. - In the menu **settings**, choose **Edit settings.** * In the first tab: enter your name * In the second tab: verify that the paths to result and restart folders are set to **..\output\results and ..\output\restart.** The GAMS directory should read **..\gams** and the data directory should read **..\dat.** * In the third tab: enter the complete path to the GAMS executable. Probably it is something like **c:\gams\win64\24.7\gams.exe.** Also verify that the path to the Scratch directory is **..\output\temp.** Click the button to “get number of processors”. * In the fourth tab: do nothing. * In the final tab: do nothing. - Click “Save in caprinew.ini” and accept the file name suggested for your settings. - Initialize the result directory structure by executing the task “Create result and restart directory structure” in the workstep “Installation” by marking those radio-buttons in the GUI and clicking “Start GAMS”. - Close the GUI, then start it again (using start_capri.bat), to make it process all your settings.