======Annex: Code lists====== **Table 1: Codes used for storing the original REGIO tables in the data base and their description, rows** ^Codes used in CAPRI’s REGIO tables^Original REGIO description^ |TOTL|Territorial area| |FORE|Forest land| |AGRI|Utilized agricultural area| |GARD|Private gardens| |GRAS|Permanent grassland| |PERM|Permanent crops| |VINE|Vineyards| |OLIV|Olive plantations| |ARAB|Arable land| |GREF|Green fodder on arable land| |CERE|Cereals (including rice)| |WHEA|Soft and durum wheat and spelt| |BARL|Barley| |MAIZ|Grain maize| |RICE|Rice| |POTA|Potatoes| |SUGA|Sugar beet| |OILS|Oilseeds (total)| |RAPE|Rape| |SUNF|Sunflower| |TOBA|Tobacco| |MAIF|Fodder maize| |CATT|Cattle (total)| |COWT|Cows (total)| |DCOW|Dairy cows| |CALV|Other cows| |CAT1|Total cattle under one year| |CALF|Slaughter calves| |CABM|Male breeding calves (<1 year)| |CABF|Female breeding calves (<1 year)| |BUL2|Male cattle (1-2 years)| |H2SL|Slaughter heifers (1-2 years)| |H2BR|Female cattle (1-2 years)| |BUL3|Male cattle (2 years and above)| |H3SL|Slaughter heifers (2 years and above)| |H3BR|Breeding heifers| |BUFF|Total buffaloes| |PIGS|Total pigs (total)| |PIG1|Piglets under 20 kg| |PIG2|Piglets under 50 kg and over 20 kg| |PIG3|Fattening pigs over 50 kg| |BOAR|Breeding boars| |SOW2|Total breeding sows| |SOW1|Sows having farrowed| |GILT|Gilts having farrowed for the first time| |SOWM|Maiden sows| |GILM|Maiden gilts| |SHEP|Sheep total)| |GOAT|Goats (total)| |EUQI|Equidae (total)| |POUL|Poultry (total)| |OUTP|Final production| |CROP|Total crops production| |DWHE|Durum wheat| |PULS|Pulses| |ROOT|Roots and tubers| |INDU|Industrial crops| |TEXT|Textile fibre plants| |HOPS|Hops| |VEGE|Fresh vegetables| |TOMA|Tomatoes| |CAUL|Cauliflowers| |FRUI|Fresh fruit| |APPL|Apples| |PEAR|Pears| |PEAC|Peaches| |CITR|Citrus fruit (total)| |ORAN|Oranges| |LEMN|Lemons| |MAND|Mandarins| |GRAP|Table grapes| |WINE|Wine| |TABO|Table olives| |OLIO|Olive oil| |NURS|Nursery plants| |FLOW|Flowers and ornamental plants| |OCRO|Other crops| |ANIT|Total animal production| |ANIM|Animal| |SHGO|Sheep and goats| |ANIP|Animal products| |MILK|Milk| |EGGS|Eggs| |INPU|Intermediate consumption (total)| |FEED|Animal feeding stuffs| |FDGR|Animal compounds for grazing livestock| |FDPI|Animal compounds for pigs| |FDPO|Animal compounds for poultry| |FODD|Straight feeding stuffs| |FERT|Fertilizers and enrichments| |ENER|Energy and lubricants| |INPO|Other inputs| |GVAM|Gross value added at market prices| |SUBS|Subsidies| |TAXS|Taxes linked to production (including VAT balance)| |GVAF|Gross value added at factor costs| |DEPM|Depreciation| |LABO|Compensation and social security contributions of employees| |RENT|Rent and other payments| |INTE|Interests| |GFCF|Total of gross fixed capital formation| |BUIL|Buildings and other structures| |MACH|Transport equipment and machinery| |GFCO|Other gross fixed capital formation| **Table 2: Codes used for storing the original REGIO tables in the data base and their description, columns** ^Codes used in CAPRI’s REGIO tables ^Original REGIO description^ |LEVL|Herd size / Area / # of persons| |LSUN|Live stock units| |PROP|Physical production| |YILD|Yield| |VALE|EAA position in ECU| |VALN|EAA position in NC| **Table 3: Connection between CAPRI and REGIO crop areas, crop production and herd sizes** ^SPEL-code ^REGIO-code ^REGIO-code ^REGIO-code ^REGIO-code ^Description of SPEL activity^ |SWHE|WHEA|CERE|ARAB| |Soft wheat| |DWHE|WHEA|CERE|ARAB| |Durum wheat| |RYE | |CERE|ARAB| |Rye| |BARL|BARL|CERE|ARAB| |Barley| |OATS| |CERE|ARAB| |Oats| |MAIZ|MAIZ|CERE|ARAB| |Maize| |OCER| |CERE|ARAB| |Other cereals (excl. rice)| |PARI|RICE|CERE|ARAB| |Paddy rice| |PULS| | |ARAB| |Pulses| |POTA|POTA| |ARAB| |Potatoes| |SUGB|SUGA| |ARAB| |Sugar beet| |RAPE|RAPE|OILS|ARAB| |Rape and turnip rape| |SUNF|SUNF|OILS|ARAB| |Sunflower seed| |SOYA| |OILS|ARAB| |Soya beans| |OLIV| |OLIV|PERM| |Olives for oil| |OOIL| |OILS|ARAB| |Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits| |FLAX| | |ARAB| |Flax and hemp (faser) | |TOBA|TOBA| |ARAB| |Tobacco, unmanufactured, incl. dried| |OIND| | |ARAB| |Other industrial crops| |CAUL| | |ARAB| |Cauliflowers| |TOMA| | |ARAB| |Tomatoes| |OVEG| | |ARAB| |Other vegetables| |APPL| | |PERM| |Apples, pears and peaches| |OFRU| | |PERM| |Other fresh fruits| |CITR| | |PERM| |Citrus fruits| |TAGR| |VINE|PERM| |Table grapes| |TABO| |OLIV|PERM| |Table olives| |TWIN| |VINE|PERM| |Table wine| |OWIN| |VINE|PERM| |Other wine| |NURS| | |PERM| |Nursery plants| |FLOW| | |ARAB| |Flowers,ornamental plants, etc.| |OCRO| | |ARAB| |Other final crop products| |MILK|DCOW| | | |Dairy cows| |BEEF|BUL2|BUL3| | |Bulls fattening| |CALF|CALF| | | |Calves fattening (old VEAL)| |PORK|PIG3|PIG2|PIG1| |Pig fattening| |MUTM|GOAT|HEP| | |Ewes and goats| |MUTT|GOAT|SHEP| | |Sheep and goat fattening| |EGGS|POUL| | | |Laying hens| |POUL|POUL| | | |Poultry fattening| |OANI| | | | |Other animals| |OROO| | |ARAB| |Other root crops| |GRAS|GRAS| | | |Green fodder| |SILA|GREF| |ARAB| |Silage| |CALV|CALV| | | |Suckler cows| |RCAL|CABM|CABF| | |Calves, raising| |HEIF|H2SL|H2BR|H3SL|H3BR|Heifers| |PIGL|SOW2| | | |Pig breeding| |FALL| | |FALL| |Fallow land| **Table 4: List of activities in the supply model** ^Group ^Activity ^Code^ |**Cereals**|Soft wheat|SWHE| |:::|Durum wheat|DWHE| |:::|Rye and Meslin|RYEM| |:::|Barley|BARL| |:::|Oats|OATS| |:::|Paddy rice|PARI| |:::|Maize|MAIZ| |:::|Other cereals|OCER| |**Oilseeds**|Rape|RAPE| |:::|Sunflower|SUNF| |:::|Soya|SOYA| |:::|Olives for oil|OLIV| |:::|Other oilseeds|OOIL| |**Other annual crops**|Pulses|PULS| |:::|Potatoes|POTA| |:::|Sugar beet|SUGB| |:::|Flax and hemp|TEXT| |:::|Tobacco|TOBA| |:::|Other industrial crops|OIND| |**Vegetables & Fruits & Other perennials**|Tomatoes|TOMA| |:::|Other vegetables|OVEG| |:::|Apples, pear & peaches|APPL| |:::|Citrus fruits|CITR| |:::|Other fruits|OFRU| |:::|Table grapes|TAGR| |:::|Table olives|TABO| |:::|Table wine|TWIN| |:::|Nurseries|NURS| |:::|Flowers|FLOW| |:::|Other marketable crops|OCRO| |**Fodder production**|Fodder maize|MAIF| |:::|Fodder root crops|ROOF| |:::|Other fodder on arable land|OFAR| |:::|Graze and grazing|GRAS| |**Fallow land and set-aside**|Set-aside idling|SETA| |:::|Non food production on set-aside|NONF| |:::|Fallow land|FALL| |**Cattle**|Dairy cows|DCOW| |:::|Sucker cows|SCOW| |:::|Male adult cattle fattening|BULF| |:::|Heifers fattening|HEIR| |:::|Heifers raising|HEIF| |:::|Fattening of male calves|CAMF| |:::|Fattening of female calves|CAFF| |:::|Raising of male calves|CAMR| |:::|Raising of female calves|CAFR| |**Pigs, poultry and other animals**|Pig fattening|PIGF| |:::|Pig breeding|SOWS| |:::|Poultry fattening|POUF| |:::|Laying hens|HENS| |:::|Sheep and goat fattening|SHGF| |:::|Sheep and goat for milk|SHGM| |:::|Other animals|OANI| **Table 5: Output, inputs, income indicators, policy variables and processed products in the data base** ^Group ^Item ^Code^ |**Outputs**||| |**Cereals**|Soft wheat|SWHE| |:::|Durum wheat|DWHE| |:::|Rye and Meslin|RYEM| |:::|Barley|BARL| |:::|Oats|OATS| |:::|Paddy rice|PARI| |:::|Maize|MAIZ| |:::|Other cereals|OCER| |**Oilseeds**|Rape|RAPE| |:::|Sunflower|SUNF| |:::|Soya|SOYA| |:::|Olives for oil|OLIV| |:::|Other oilseeds|OOIL| |**Other annual crops**|Pulses|PULS| |:::|Potatoes|POTA| |:::|Sugar beet|SUGB| |:::|Flax and hemp|TEXT| |:::|Tobacco|TOBA| |:::|Other industrial crops|OIND| |**Vegetables & Fruits & Other perennials**|Tomatoes|TOMA| |:::|Other vegetables|OVEG| |:::|Apples, pear & peaches|APPL| |:::|Citrus fruits|CITR| |:::|Other fruits|OFRU| |:::|Table grapes|TAGR| |:::|Table olives|TABO| |:::|Table wine|TWIN| |:::|Nurseries|NURS| |:::|Flowers|FLOW| |:::|Other marketable crops|OCRO| |**Fodder**|Gras|GRAS| |:::|Fodder maize|MAIF| |:::|Other fodder from arable land|OFAR| |:::|Fodder root crops|ROOF| |:::|Straw|STRA| |**Marketable products from animal product**|Milk from cows|COMI| |:::|Beef|BEEF| |:::|Pork meat|PORK| |:::|Sheep and goat meat|SGMT| |:::|Sheep and goat milk|SGMI| |:::|Poultry meat|POUM| |:::|Other marketable animal products|OANI| |**Intermediate products from animal production**|Milk from cows for feeding|COMF| |:::|Milk from sheep and goat cows for feeding|SGMF| |:::|Young cows|YCOW| |:::|Young bulls|YBUL| |:::|Young heifers|YHEI| |:::|Young male calves|YCAM| |:::|Young female calves|YCAF| |:::|Piglets|YPIG| |:::|Lambs|YLAM| |:::|Chicken|YCHI| |:::|Nitrogen from manure|MANN| |:::|Phosphate from manure|MANP| |:::|Potassium from manure|MANK| |**Other Output from EAA**|Renting of milk quota |RQUO| |:::|Agricultural services|SERO| |**Inputs**||| |**Mineral and organic fertiliser & Seed and plant protection**|Nitrogen fertiliser|NITF| |:::|Phosphate fertiliser|PHOF| |:::|Potassium fertiliser|POTF| |:::|Calcium fertiliser|CAOF| |:::|Seed|SEED| |:::|Plant protection|PLAP| |**Feedings tuff**|Feed cereals|FCER| |:::|Feed rich protein|FPRO| |:::|Feed rich energy|FENE| |:::|Feed based on milk products|FMIL| |:::|Gras|FGRA| |:::|Fodder maize|FMAI| |:::|Other Feed from arable land|FOFA| |:::|Fodder root crops|FROO| |:::|Feed other|FOTH| |:::|Straw|FSTRA| |**Young animal & Other animal specific inputs**|Young cow|ICOW| |:::|Young bull|IBUL| |:::|Young heifer|IHEI| |:::|Young male calf|ICAM| |:::|Young female calf|ICAF| |:::|Piglet|IPIG| |:::|Lamb|ILAM| |:::|Chicken|ICHI| |**Pharmaceutical inputs**|IPHA| |**General inputs|Maintennce machinery**|REPM| |:::|Maintennce buildings|REPB| |:::|Electricity|ELEC| |:::|Heating gas and oil|EGAS| |:::|Fuels|EFUL| |:::|Lubricants|ELUB| |:::|Water|WATR| |:::|Agricultural services input|SERI| |:::|Other inputs|INPO| |**Income indicators**|Production value|TOOU| |:::|Total input costs|TOIN| |:::|Gross value added at producer prices|GVAP| |:::|Gross value added at basic prices|GVAB| |:::|Gross value added at market prices plus CAP premiums|MGVA| |**Activity level**|Cropped area, slaughtered heads or herd size|LEVL| |**Policy variables Relating to activities**|Premium ceiling|PRMC| |:::|Historic yield|HSTY| |:::|Premium per ton historic yield|PRET| |:::|Set-aside rate|SETR| |:::|Premium declared below base area/herd|PRMD| |:::|Premium effectively paid|PRME| |:::|Premium amount in regulation|PRMR| |:::|Type of premium application|APPTYPE| |:::|Factor converting PRMR into PRMD|APPFACT| |:::|Ceiling cut factor|CEILCUT| |**Processed products**|Rice milled|RICE| |:::|Molasse|MOLA| |:::|Starch|STAR| |:::|Sugar|SUGA| |:::|Rape seed oil|RAPO| |:::|Sunflower seed oil|SUNO| |:::|Soya oil|SOYO| |:::|Olive oil|OLIO| |:::|Other oil|OTHO| |:::|Rape seed cake|RAPC| |:::|Sunflower seed cake|SUNC| |:::|Soya cake|SOYC| |:::|Olive cakes|OLIC| |:::|Other cakes|OTHC| |:::|Gluten feed from ethanol production|GLUE| |:::|Biodiesel|BIOD| |:::|Bioethanol|BIOE| |:::|Palm oil|PLMO| |:::|Butter|BUTT| |:::|Skimmed milk powder|SMIP| |:::|Cheese|CHES| |:::|Fresh milk products|FRMI| |:::|Creams|CREM| |:::|Concentrated milk|COCM| |:::|Whole milk powder|WMIO| |:::|Whey powder|WHEP| |:::|Casein and caseinates|CASE| |:::|Feed rich protein imports or byproducts|FPRI| |:::|Feed rich energy imports or byproducts|FENI| **Table 6: Codes of the input allocation estimation** |**The set of FADN inputs (FI)**|| |TOIN |total inputs| |COSA |animal specific inputs| |FEDG |self grown feedings| |ANIO |other animal inputs| |FEDP |purchased feedings| |COSC |crop specific inputs| |SEED |seeds | |PLAP |plant protection| |FERT |fertilisers| |TOIX |other inputs (overheads)| |**The set of CAPRI inputs (CI) used in the reconcilation**|| |TOIN |total inputs| |FEED |feedings| |IPHA |other animal inputs| |COSC |crop specific inputs| |SEED |seeds | |PLAP |plant protection| |FERT |fertilisers| |REPA |repairs| |ENER |energy| |SERI |agricultural services input| |INPO |other inputs| 1. The set of ‘Other’ activities that had been omitted from the econometric estimation: \\ OTHER={OCER, OFRU, OVEG, OCRO, OWIN, OIND, OOIL, OFAR, OANI} \\ 2. The set of activity groups, and their elements, used in the replacement or missing/negative coefficients \\ ‘GROUPS’= {YOUNG, VEGE, SETT, PULS, PIG, OILS, MILK, MEAT, INDS, HORSE, GOAT, FRU, FOD, FLOWER, DENNY, COW, \\ CHICK1, CHICK2, CHICK3, CERE, ARAB} \\ YOUNG={YBUL, YCOW}, \\ VEGE={TOMA}, \\ SETT={SETA, NONF, FALL, GRAS}, \\ PULS=PULS \\ PIG={PIGF, SOWS}, \\ OILS={RAPE, SOYA, SUNF, PARI, OLIV}, \\ INDS={TOBA, TEXT, TABO}, \\ GOAT={SHGM, SHGF}, \\ FRU={APPL, CITR, TAGR, TWIN}, \\ FOD={ROOF, MAIF}, \\ FLOWER={FLOW, NURS}, \\ DENNY={PORK, SOWS}, \\ COW={DCOW, SCOW, HEIF, HEIR, CAMF, CAFF, BULF, CAMR, CAFR}, \\ CHICK1={HENS, POUF}, \\ CERE={SWHE, DWHE, BARL, OATS, RYEM, MAIZ}, \\ ARAB={POTA, SUGB} \\ 3. The sets of Northern European, Southern European countries: \\ ‘NEUR’={NL000, UK000, AT000, BL000, DE000, DK000, FI000, FR000, SE000} \\ ‘SEUR’={El000, ES000, PT000, IT000, IR000} \\ **Table 7: Codes of land use classes (Set LandUse)** |OART |artificial| |ARAO |(other) arable crops - all arable crops excluding rice and fallow (see also definition of ARAC below)| |PARI |paddy rice (already defined)| |GRAT |temporary grassland (alternative code used for CORINE data, definition identical to TGRA| |FRCT |fruit and citrus| |OLIVGR |Olive Groves| |VINY |vineyard (already defined)| |NUPC |nursery and permanent crops (Note: the aggregate PERM also includes flowers and other vegetables| |BLWO |board leaved wood| |COWO |coniferous wood| |MIWO |mixed wood| |POEU |plantations (wood) and eucalyptus| |SHRUNTC |shrub land - no tree cover| |SHRUTC |shrub land - tree cover| |GRANTC |Grassland - no tree cover| |GRATC |Grassland - tree cover| |FALL |fallow land (already defined)| |OSPA |other sparsely vegetated or bare| |INLW |inland waters| |MARW |marine waters| |KITC |kitchen garden| **Table 8: Codes of land use aggregates (Set LandUseAgg)** |OLND |other land - shrub, sparsely vegetated or bare| |ARAC |arable crops| |FRUN |fruits, nursery and (other) permanent crops| |WATER |inland or marine waters| |ARTIF |artificial - buildings or roads| |OWL |other wooded land - shrub or grassland with tree cover (definition to be discussed)| |TWL |total wooded land - forest + other wooded land| |SHRU |shrub land| |FORE |forest (already defined)| |GRAS |grassland (already defined)| |ARAB |arable (already defined)| |PERM |permanent crops (already defined)| |UAAR |utilizable agricultural area (already defined)| |ARTO |total area - total land and inland waters| |ARTM |total area including marine waters| |CROP |crop area - arable and permanent| **Table 9: Codes of mutually exclusive subset adding up to total area - ARTO (Set LandUseARTO)** |OLND |other land - shrub, sparsely vegetated or bare| |ARTIF |artificial - buildings or roads| |FORE |forest | |UAAR |utilizable agricultural area | |INLW |Inland waters| **Figure 48: Mapping primary agricultural activities to groups and land use in coco** {{::figure_48.png?600|}}