Release notes (cumulative)

STAR 2.4

This maintenance release addresses …

STAR 2.3

This maintenance release addresses stability of feeding, reporting for fertilizers, and also includes some cleaning up of code:

STAR 2.2

This maintenance release resolves several important calibration issues.

STAR 2.1

This maintenance release implements the revised treatment of fertilizers and feed. For fertilizers, a bi-level programming approach has been implemented, where the flows of fertilizers are modelled as a Bayesian estimator ensuring an interior solution that is “close to” the calibrated flows when simulating and close to a prior distribution when calibrating. For feed, the distribution of feeding stuffs to animals was revised to improve plausibility and stability, but without principal changes of the way the model works.

In addition to the feed and fertilizer modifications, the following bugs or minor issues were addressed:

Finally, the testing routines were augmented and slightly revised, to include individual testing of simulations with supply and market models standalone.

STAR 2.0

This new series of releases contains two key modifications:

Some modifications that were scheduled for this release were not included, because they were not sufficiently stable in testing at the key date for the release. In particular, the following components are essentially unchanged from STAR 1.3 but scheduled for inclusion in a subsequent release.

Finally, this release has some known issues in addition to the points mentioned above:

STAR 1.3

A maintenance release addressing the following issue in STAR 1.2:

It was observed that when the GUI batch execution file “build_database_and_baseline.txt” was executed with this model version, the baseline calibration of the market model sometimes failed.In that case, a manual re-start of that task directly from the GUI using the default settings worked. Furthermore, it was observed that the baseline reproduction run (i.e. calibrating to mtr_rd_cal and then simulating mtr_rd_ref) resulted in small changes in some of the “new” member states, in particular Serbia.

STAR 1.2

A maintenance release addressing two minor problems encountered in STAR 1.1.

STAR 1.1

This is a maintenance release addressing some issues that surfaced since STAR 1.0 was published.

STAR 1.0

This release attempts to provide a CAPRI model where a wide selection of tasks from baseline construction to simulation can be carried out. With other versions of CAPRI, it has been a general feature that when some tasks were maintained, others ceased to work, so that there were multiple model versions where some problems had been resolved but where not everything worked properly.

Since it is utopic to aspire that all mechanisms ever built into CAPRI would work simultaneously, a selection of “supported features” was created. Features of the model that are not “supported” are simply not tested, and so they may or may not perform as intended. The list of supported features is documented in programmatic form in the GUI batch execution file “supported_features.txt”.

Some features that should be supported still fail to work properly. In particular, we note that the following technical problems persist:

The release has not been systematically tested from a content point of view. Nevertheless, release candidates have been used in a few applications, where some issues have surfaced. In particular, the distribution of rural development funds needs to be revised. Such revision has partially been done already in various projects, but the modifications need to be consolidated and integrated into a maintenance release. Similar improvements have accumulated in the areas of market model tariff data and greenhouse gas emissions, also foreseen to be integrated in a future maintenance release, after thorough testing.

Release Candidate 4

Closing in on the stable release, this release candidate contains only minor adjustments. One thing though is the addition of a new task that generates the folder structure. It is found in the (new) work step “Installation”. To implement that one, some refactoring of code was done, so that all tasks (that need it) now include a file “<task>\ensure_existence_of_result_folders.gms”, and the new task includes all those files from all tasks.

Furthermore, the THREADS=ON setting was found to be unstable, therefore the supported features batch now uses OFF by default, just testing ON for completeness.

Release Candidate 3

Minor tweaks of performance such as wider implementation of grid handle deletion routine and “solvelink=5”, plus a modification to the fertilizer distribution that made that part slightly more stable for single region member states.

Release Candidate 2

This release candidate implements no essential changes in the model logic, but a large number of minor refactoring issues of the code. In particular, the release candidate 2

Release Candidate 1.0

This pre-release version of CAPRI was produced on june 17, 2016. It is intended for evaluations in order to produce a stable release later on.

If you apply the model and find errors, please report them to the CAPRITALKS user list.

The release candidate 1.0 has the following known problems: